
Customer Obsessed Campaigns

Fly With Amazon

Some global campaigns just do not translate well for the CN market (Hanami, St.Patrick’s Day, Easter). Rather than attempting to localizing them, we created an overarching campaign to encompass all imported campaigns for a better and holistic customer experience.

Starting with the customer insight that cross-border shopping desires are enhanced due to the restrictive air travel during COVID-19, we doubled down on communicating the main advantage of Amazon - with just a few clicks, we can take you shopping anywhere in the world. Using this as the main strategy, the concept “Fly with Amazon” was created that allowed us to promote any locations and products without cultural limitations, which, when coupled with interesting background info on the products’ place of origins, greatly assisted customers with their purchasing decisions.


A notable milestone for this campaign happened when we used the flight concept and dug deep into customer behavior to create a mobile game that increased YoY sales by +90%, and delighted customers by exceeding the sociability KPI by +200%. The game was so addictive that customers increased the replay value (PV) by a whopping +4296% when compared to previous game results.


Responsibilities: Creative direction & Project management

Dearest Me

In midst of the pandemic, we created a campaign to remind everyone that it is important to first take good care of themselves before caring for others. It’s a simple task yet easily overlooked when overwhelmed by the mounting challenges around us, so we used Amazon’s social channels to spread the conversation and involved the CN customers to share stories of how they cared for themselves during the lockdowns.


The engagement level shot off roof as we received a staggering amount of feedback and stories, so we selected a few and turned them into illustrated inspirational moments for everyone.


Responsibilities: Creative direction & Project management

Chinese New Year 2020


2020 is the Year of the Rat and to wish customers a prosperous year, we created greeting cards that combined ASINs with corresponding customer segmentations that they can use to send to families and friends.


CNY is also a time when friends and families gather to compare the accomplishments and aspirations of one another from the previous year, which could be quite uncomfortable if the conversation becomes pervasive. Therefore we created a whimsical guide for those seeking to get the upper hand during the comparison conversations. 


Responsibilities: Art Direction & Project management

International Women’s Day

To celebrate Women’s Day, we commemorated women who had made a difference in our lives for the better. By working with an established illustrator, 5 women were selected whose contributions revolutionized the related products that were sold on the Amazon store today. An interactive game was also developed to educate the customers about these women and their achievements.


Responsibilities: Art Direction & Project management